Seven Advantages Of Choosing A Flat Grave Marker For A Gravesite

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Choosing a grave marker for a loved one is an important decision. In many situations, a flat grave marker is the best choice because of the advantages that this type of grave marker offers.

The following are seven advantages of choosing a flat grave marker for a gravesite. 

Flat Grave Markers Are Easier to Maintain.

It's easier to mow around flat grave markers – to keep the gravesite presentable and orderly – than it is to mow around headstones that protrude from the ground. There are not many maintenance needs for a gravesite with a flat marker. The site simply needs to be mowed to trim back the grass to keep the gravesite looking well kept. 

Flat Grave Markers Can Feature a Variety of Designs and Embellishments.

One great feature of flat grave markers is that they can be etched to display a variety of different designs. They can also feature embellishments with components such as porcelain portraits and other sculptural features. 

Flat Grave Markers Are Less Likely to Become Damaged.

Flat grave markers don't stick up out of the ground. This can make it so that they are less likely to become damaged through impact damage, or by being struck by a heavy piece of equipment such as a mower. Because they are less likely to be damaged, flat grave markers tend to last a long time. 

Flat Grave Markers Are Less Likely to Be Vandalized.

Flat grave markers are more inconspicuous than traditional tombstones. This is an advantage in some situations. Because they are less visible from a distance, flat grave markers are less likely to become vandalized. This makes them a good choice for a tombstone in a cemetery where vandalism is a frequent problem. 

Flat Grave Markers Come in a Variety of Color Options.

Flat grave markers are typically made from granite. Granite can come in a wide variety of colors as well as textures. This gives a lot of options when it comes to grave marker design. 

Flat Grave Markers Come in Different Sizes

Flat grave markers can range widely in terms of size. This makes it possible to display a considerable amount of imagery and text on them. 

Flat Grave Markers Are Affordable.

In general, flat grave markers are among the most affordable types of grave markers available. They can be considerably less expensive than larger headstones.

Choosing a flat grave marker can be a good way to minimize end of life costs. Funerals and burials tend to be expensive, so choosing a flat grave marker can offer some much needed savings. 

For more information about flat grave markers, contact a funeral home near you.
