Burying 3 Common Myths About Pre-Planning Your Funeral

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Organizing a loved one's final wishes after they pass away can be a physically, emotionally, and financially overwhelming process. Unfortunately, it is also something that must be done after death. More and more people are choosing to plan their own funerals before they pass away. Whether you are suffering from a serious illness or just want to ensure your loved ones are not left with the responsibility, arranging your funeral can benefit you and your family. Certain myths stand in the way of many people pre-planning their final wishes. By burying these myths, you will understand the process and learn the benefits of funeral pre-planning services.

Death Is Morbid 

One of the most common myths that people believe is that discussing death in any manner is considered morbid. Therefore, many people forego planning or even talking about their final wishes because they do not bring negativity or sadness into their conversations.

It is important to remember that everyone passes away, so death should be a topic of conversation with your family whether you are ill or nearing death. Opening up the conversation to start the planning process will prepare your loved ones while giving them peace of mind that your final wishes will be handled and paid for.

Pre-Planning Is Not Necessary

Some people have discussed what they want to happen after they die. You may have casually mentioned that you want to be cremated or buried in a specific cemetery. While you may have voiced these wishes, your family may not have taken them seriously. Pre-planning ensures all details of your final departure are handled, so there are no questions left for your loved ones left behind to answer.

You should remember the choice between cremation and burial are not the only decisions that need to be made. If you are cremated, you need to decide where your ashes will remain. If you want to be buried, you will need to choose a type of service and casket.

Other details to help personalize your memorial service, such as music or religious and ethnic customs, may also be added during the pre-planning stage.

Even if you feel your family knows what you want and need, pre-planning guarantees your final wishes are met without any questions or concerns.

Life Insurance Is Sufficient

Another common reason why many people avoid pre-arranging their own funeral is that they believe a life insurance policy will handle their final wishes.

At the time of your death, your life insurance policy will be paid out to your chosen beneficiary. This money can be used to pay for your cremation or burial. However, this money may also be necessary for your family to survive financially after you pass away.

Pre-planning your final wishes allows you to not only arrange your cremation, burial, or memorial, but to also pay for it. With a pre-need plan, you pay for your final wishes up front. This money is placed into a trust, which is given to your designated funeral home or beneficiary at the time of your death.

When entering into a pre-paid agreement with the funeral home, it is important to read all of the details in your contract.  Avoid pre-paying if the contract calls for additional funding in case the funeral home's costs increase after you plan and pay for your funeral in advance.

Pre-arranging your funeral may not seem important, but it can be a great decision for your peace of mind and your family's future. By burying these myths, you will learn the truth behind a few common misconceptions regarding the process of pre-planning your final wishes.  
