How You Can Save Money When You Are Planning Your Own Funeral In Advance
Planning your own funeral might be something that you have decided to do in an attempt to help save your loved ones from having to go through that process on their own. Making the tough decisions for them can allow them to work on going through the grieving process instead. Then again, you might simply want to make sure that your final wishes are adhered to.
Of course, funerals can be expensive, especially if you are not carefully weighing your options. To help make sure that you are able to save some money when you are planning your own funeral, you will want to follow these suggestions:
Opt For A Cremation
If you are not set on being buried in a cemetery, you can always ask for a cremation. Get that set up with the funeral home and pay for the cremation in advance. It is much more affordable than a burial, as you do not have to pay for a burial plot or a casket.
Before you begin to worry about your loved ones not having the chance to have a viewing because you will not be purchasing a casket, don't worry. Many funeral homes have caskets that can be rented for the sole purpose of viewings. This way, you will get the cremation you want and your family and friends will still have a chance to pay their final respects, which can be a very important part of the grieving process.
Select And Purchase Your Own Monument
Whether you want something grand and unique, or something small and plain, you can select any monument or headstone that you like. The key is to make sure that you are making your purchase directly from the seller of such monuments and not from a third party as this is the best way to save the most money. You will be able to look at all of their options and find the one that fits your needs the best. You can even make the request of what you would like for the monument to say and can have it all set up, with the exception of your date of passing of course. That information can be added whenever you do pass away and you will have already paid for it to be done. All your family will need to do is to arrange to have the additional information filled in.
Shop For Second-Hand Caskets
If you want to have a standard burial, you will need a casket. Of course, brand new caskets can cost a lot of money. However, you might be able to find a second-hand casket, that has never been used, for sale through a private seller. They might have purchased it in advance for themselves or someone else, but then decided that it was best to sell it to get some of their money back. Even though it has never technically been used, it is still a second-hand casket, as it is not purchased from the manufacturer. This means you might be able to save a considerable amount of money. You can then store the casket in your basement, garage, or storage shed until it is needed. Just make sure that you are taking the time to inform your family that it is there and that it is your wish to be buried in that casket.
With just those two tips, you should find that you are able to not only plan your own funeral, but save money at the same time. Visit a site like for more help.